For your own safety and to ensure you enjoy your stay in the Hotels, please comply with the following rules:
1.1. Access Control:
Euro Disney Associés S.A.S. reserves the right to visually inspect or to check with specific devices visitors' clothing, coats and personal belongings both at the entrance and inside the hotels. Access to the hotels may be refused to any person refusing to comply with this inspection.
Subject to the above, access to the hotel is free. Nevertheless, access to hotel restrooms is strictly reserved for hotel guests and Euro Disney Associés SAS may require visitors to comply with certain special measures (restricted access, wearing of masks, etc.) for security or health reasons.
Please note that the following items are not allowed in the hotels:
- All illicit or hazardous substances, alcoholic beverages, glass bottles, dangerous objects (particularly laser pointers and/or any offensive or defensive weapons of any type) or objects that appear to be weapons or toy guns (also including toy blasters, squirt guns, etc.), that could endanger visitors and/or employee security in the hotels, are prohibited.
- Any items that may disturb other visitors (vuvuzelas, loud speakers, horns).
- Handheld camera/cell phone extension poles, such as selfie sticks.
- Any recreational devices such as drones and remote control toys.
- Any items that we may deem harmful, disruptive or inappropriate.
Visitors in possession of prohibited items will be asked to dispose of them before entering in the hotels. As Euro Disney Associés S.A.S. does not keep any items, prohibited items cannot be recovered and may be destroyed.
The introduction and/or use of any prohibited item by a visitor will result in their exclusion from the hotels.
1.2. Transport Means: It is forbidden to access to the hotels with and/or using roller skates, bicycles, or any other personal means of transport, motorised or not, such as (non-exhaustive list):
- A scooter with or without a motor,
- A skateboard with or without a motor,
- A gyropod,
- A monowheel, or similar device,
- A hoverboard.
Access to the hotels with a vehicle and/or any other electric device is possible for people with reduced mobility and who cannot walk or who may have difficulties to walk, provided that (cumulatively):
- it is adapted,
- it is recognised as a medical device,
- it is equipped with at least 3 wheels for its stability,
- and it is designed to ensure mobility and body support.
A medical certificate specifically indicating the need may be required (excluding standard and electric wheelchairs).
Use of those equipments is tolerated in the outdoor areas of Disney Davy Crockett Ranch, provided the behaviour is reasonable and safe.
Wearing a helmet and reflective jacket is recommended. At night or during the day when visibility is insufficient, the wearing of a reflective jacket is mandatory.
The speed of these vehicles or machines must conform to a walking pace and must not exceed 6 km/hr.
The only parking lot visitors are allowed to use is that of the hotel where they are staying.
1.3. Clothing: Proper dress is required at all times, and top and bottom garments, as well as footwear, are to be worn. Some of our restaurants may have dress regulations in line with their standing. Please consult our website or ask when booking your table.
We also reserve the right, at our own discretion and at any given time, to refuse a visitor the right to wear any type of costume, makeup or tattoo, especially if it is likely to offend, shock or scare children and a family-orientated public, that Euro Disney Associés S.A.S. would consider as inappropriate or if it would impede operations due to posing as or portraying any character in costume.
For safety reasons, the only visitors authorised to wear clothing covering their face completely are those doing so for medical reasons. Costumes and masks may not be worn by any visitors ages 12 or older (unless required for medical purposes). When worn by younger visitors, masks must provide unobstructed peripheral vision at all times with openings that allow the eyes to be fully seen.
Private special events may have specific guidelines, which can be found in advertising or informational materials relative to the event. Please familiarise yourself with any such rules by consulting the specific material put together for these events.
1.4. Animals: Animals are not allowed inside the hotels, with the exception of:
Assistance dogs and guide dogs mentioned in Article L245-3 of the French Code of Social Action and Families are allowed inside the hotels. They must be kept on a leash and remain under the care of their owner. Medical proof of need may be requested
Emotional support animals (dogs only) are allowed in the hotels subject to the following conditions:
- presentation of medical proof of need,
- if the animal is a dog, it must not be classified in the category of dangerous dogs mentioned in Article L211-12 of the French Rural and Maritime Fishing Code,
- and the animals must always be kept on a leash and remain under the care of the owner.
For the comfort of other visitors, the owner ensures that the cleanliness of the premises is respected.
At Disney Davy Crockett Ranch, dogs are accepted subject to the following conditions:
- Attack dogs (1st category) and guard and defense dogs (2nd category) as defined in article L211-12 of the French rural code are not accepted
- Dogs must be identified by tattoo or electronic identification system.
Dogs will only be accepted at Disney Davy Crockett Ranch on presentation of the animal's up-to-date veterinary passport, vaccination booklet or certificate.
Davy Crockett Ranch reserves the right to refuse access to animals visibly carrying a potentially contagious disease or displaying abnormally aggressive behavior.
It is the owner's responsibility to :
- walk their dog on a leash for the full duration of their stay,
- proceed immediately, by any appropriate means, to collect dog droppings.
1.5. Registration form: Pursuant of the French Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum, all non-French nationals aged 15 and over must complete an individual police form on arrival at the hotel. Children under the age of 15 may appear on the form of an accompanying adult.
1.6. Room access: rooms are available from 3pm on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 11am on the day of departure (except at Disney Davy Crockett Ranch where rooms will be available from 4pm). After that, visitors will no longer have access to the hotel rooms and included services (such as access to the swimming pool, lounge, etc.).
1.7. Minors: Children under the age of 12 must be supervised at all times and accompanied by a parent or a responsible adult aged 15 or above.
2.1. Maximum room occupancy: Rooms have been designed for a specific maximum number of occupants. For safety reasons, visitors are prohibited from accommodating a higher number of people than they declared at the time of registration.
2.2 Visitor Behaviour: Theft, public disorder, verbal and physical violence, insults or racial taunts, cheating, fraud, drunken or indecent behaviour, malevolence, violations of safety regulations and these access rules, discriminating or other socially unacceptable behaviour, may lead Euro Disney Associés S.A.S. to take the necessary action including informing the police, filing a complaint or removing the visitor from the hotels without any sort of compensation, refund or claim.
Euro Disney Associés S.A.S. reserves the right to exclude or to refuse access to any person whose behaviour poses a threat to the safety of other visitors, employees, or themselves.
In the interest of everyone’s safety, we request that you respect the highway code and speed restrictions within hotel areas (marked by the gatehouse at the entrance to each hotel). We also ask that you respect the coach parking areas and parking spaces reserved for guests with reduced mobility.
For safety reasons, visitors are prohibited from walking or running in an inconsiderate manner and deliberately hindering the access or free movement of persons or preventing the safety and security mechanisms from working correctly.
To ensure the safety of all our visitors, staff must be able to access each room once a day.
We ask that you respect the cleanliness of the premises and facilities provided for your pleasure and comfort.
2.3. Alcohol consumption: alcohol consumption is regulated. The only alcoholic beverages allowed are those sold in the hotel bars and restaurants and consumed on the premises.
2.4. Hotel evacuation: Management reserves the right to refuse access to the hotels and to evacuate the premises for safety reasons or in cases of “force majeure”. To facilitate any hotel evacuation, persons with special needs are kindly asked to inform staff when they check in.
2.5. Theft and damage to visitors’ property: We recommend that you use the safes provided in the rooms and at reception, close the doors and windows when you leave the room and do not leave any valuables inside your room. Euro Disney Associés S.A.S. cannot be held responsible for any theft, loss or damage to your personal belongings caused by your negligence.
2.6. Smoking restrictions: indoor areas, including bedrooms, and closed or covered outdoor areas of the hotel are non-smoking areas. This rule also applies to electronic cigarettes.
2.7. Garden areas: in the interest of everyone’s safety, no fires may be lit, apart from Disney Davy Crockett Ranch barbecues.
2.8. Noise: to enable everyone to rest, we request that you limit any noise that may disturb your neighbours, both during the day and at night.
2.9. Technical and service equipment and premises: these are reserved for hotel employees. Please do not open doors thus marked, or any ducts, electrical cabinets or other such items.
2.10. Video protection: This site is equipped with a video surveillance system operated by Euro Disney Associés S.A.S. For more information, please refer to the information panels specific to video protection, and the page “Video Protection” available on the website.
2.11. Lost and Found: Euro Disney Associés S.A.S. reserves the right to deal with any unattended object in such a way as we consider appropriate and in coordination with the local authorities.
2.12. Charging devices: In the Hotels, it is forbidden to charge motorized personal mobility devices, electric scooters, electric bicycles and, more generally, any device with a power that exceeds 200W or whose lithium content exceeds 2 grams. It is also forbidden to use gas appliances in hotels. This prohibition does not apply to medical equipment.
Certain services, restaurants, shops and pools are seasonal in nature and/or may be subject to delayed opening or closure for maintenance work, in particular due to adverse weather conditions or insufficient safety conditions. Visitors are informed that these closures may come into effect without prior notice, without reimbursement or compensation.
Rules and regulations or general terms of use specific to certain activities or services, in particular swimming pools, gyms or the use of Wi-Fi, may apply. Please ask for details on site.
4.1. Sale of Goods and Services and Printed Material Distribution: In general, the sale of any items and/or services by third parties within the hotels, along with distributing brochures, leaflets and other printed matter or signs by visitors, is strictly prohibited.
4.2. Commercial Photography, Videotaping or Recording: Any picture, video, sound recording or photo taken by a visitor in the hotels may be used only for personal purposes. All commercial use of pictures, videos, sound recordings or photos of the hotels taken by a visitor shall be subject to express prior written authorisation from Euro Disney Associés S.A.S.
These Rules and Regulations are available on our website and at hotel entrances, and may be subject to modifications without notice. The French version of these Rules and Regulations shall be the authoritative version and shall prevail over any translation in case of contradiction or divergence in interpretation.